Professor Hanns Möhler, a very active researcher, has been instrumental in discovering targets for life changing medicines in the field of neuroscience and is one of the most cited scientists in his field.
The yearly grant of $10,000 was awarded by the Brain Health Research Centre and enabled PhD students to complete their research. Breakthroughs that have a positive impact on patients' lives do not come easily and this grant was designed to assist young scientists in New Zealand to pursue their own breakthroughs.
Notice: The Hanns Möhler Doctoral Scholarship was active from 2013 to 2022 and is no longer in operation. We thank all past recipients and applicants for their interest and contributions to the field.
2022 – Oluwatobi Eboda
Oluwatobi was awarded the grant in 2022 for his work in developing models of an early onset Parkinson’s disease with loss of function of ATP13A2. This has allowed further in-depth confocal imaging studies on synapse formation in the diseased neurons.
2021 – Shruthi Sateesh
Shruti was awarded the grant in 2021 for her work studying the role of astrocytes in synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus.
2020 - Sandesh Panthi
Sandesh was awarded the grant in 2020 for his work manipulating inhibitory microcircuits in the corticothalamic network using DREADDS to modulate seizure activity.
Javier was awarded the grant in 2019 for his work which focused on developing a new imaging technology – through skull voltage imaging – which he is using to understand sensorimotor signals in the cerebral cortex of awake behaving mice.
Stephanie was awarded the grant in 2018 for her work which investigated the effects of rescuing lysosomal function in Alzheimer's disease.
Hannah was awarded the grant in 2017 for her work which investigated disease processes into two different forms of Batten disease, a fatal, inherited disorder of the nervous system that begins in childhood. This work resulted in a publication reporting a new method for rapid screening of therapeutics for this disorder.
Madeleine was awarded the grant in 2016 for her work which focused on the impact of DNA on memory formation. Her research could potentially path the way toward a better understanding of memory failures, and improved treatment for memory loss in illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease.
Steve was awarded the grant in 2015 for his research on the contribution of thalamic (grey matter) GABAA receptors in the generation of absence seizures, which have detrimental effects on childhood learning, psychosocial abilities and physical safety.
Shane was awarded the grant for his research into exploring the possibility of toxins in Algae bloom being the source of possible future therapies for neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, autism and schizophrenia.
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